Re-Volt pages
Car section 1 Inferno
This wild beast was made for the Highway-to-Hell. It will blow away all of its enemies, also if you race against it...
base: Bolink, made by RiffRaff install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 147 k
This one comes with two different paintjobs and batch-files to switch between them. Handling is like most of our cars!
base: 68ss, converted to Re-Volt by RiffRaff install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 197 k
Silver Storm
This is a blue shining car, its handling is quite similar to QUICK, but it's a little faster. It has some cool rims and an understatement-style paintjob.
base: tc1(Zipper) install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 37 k
The Real Stealth
This is not another all-pure-black-fake stealth cars. This car is really invisible if you forget about the small red dot.
base: Nothing in particular install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 7 k
This is our huuuuge-wheeled and tuned-up version of the "famous" Sprinter XL. The wheels are from JimK's Monster Dodge.
base: tc6(Sprinter XL) install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 159 k
Although its looks are not that spectacular or realistic, its driving abilities are kinda excellent!
base: cougar(Cougar) install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 104 k
Hell yeah, this is our cool weed interpretation of the AMW, it goes fast but it's not a 80 mph plane-car, cuz it now has a normal tuned set of parameters as well.
base: amw(AMW) install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 229 k
This was our first car for Re-Volt. The name sez it all.
base: BMW M Roadster by MaNiAc. I think it's the tc5(NY 54) install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 46 k