Re-Volt pages
Car section 9 Mazda MX-5
This sweet japanese Roadster comes with lowered suspension, huge rims and tight handling. Should be rather easy to drive.
base: Need For Speed 4 custom mesh by Ryuji Kainoh - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 91 k
Alfa Romeo 155 V6 TI
A very low and tight italian touring car. Not to high topspeed and the mixed type of handling fits the car very well.
base: Need For Speed 4 custom mesh by Ryuji Kainoh - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 131 k
Vroom 2k1
A very different repaint of the Panga TC. Huge wheels, flames and a rearwing make this car look completely different.
base: tc2(Panga TC) install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 76 k
Saleen S7
A very good looking sportscar with transparent windows and stuff. Some very slideable params make for a fun driving.
base: Need For Speed 4 custom mesh by Ryuji Kainoh - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 123 k
Ferrari 550 Millenio
A fab GT version of the Maranello. GT-fitting handling and speed and four different skins make this great. Also has that driver all are asking for.
base: Need For Speed 4 custom mesh by Ryuji Kainoh - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 190 k
Rather unrealistic lookin tuned up version of a BMW M3. Params are not as quick responding as on most of our cars, but not bad handling for sure.
base: Need For Speed 4 custom mesh by BeRzErK - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 190 k
Ferrari 512 TR
An older Ferrari with different skins and some good parameters. Does especially good on Legobased tracks.
base: Need For Speed 4 custom mesh by Thomas Egelkraut - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 179 k
Mercedes-Benz 280 CE
A great lookin old Mercedes with some cool parameters. Surely one of the slowest cars we ever made... But not one of our worst.
base: Need For Speed 4 custom mesh by Felixx - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 117 k