Re-Volt pages
Car section 17 Placeholder A
A great driving and not less good looking car. A whole lot of fun to drive around all kind of tracks.
base: Need For Speed 4 placeholder car by EA - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 83 k
4x4 Behemoth
Due to compatibility probs with 8 wheels in Re-Volt, we removed 4 and got this funny car. A whole laugh on four wheels.
base: 1nsane stock car by Codemasters/Invictus - converted and modded by us into/for Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 172 k
Again, the last of a series of 1nsane cars seems to be the best one to us handling wise. Good skin and mesh design, too.
base: 1nsane stock car by Codemasters/Invictus - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 92 k
The stadium truck from 1nsane converted to Re-Volt. Great looking skin and good parameters make this one a keeper.
base: 1nsane stock car by Codemasters/Invictus - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 184 k
Another 1nsane car. This is quite a slow reacting one, but with good speed and slideability, it tries to make up for that.
base: 1nsane stock car by Codemasters/Invictus - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 136 k
Porsche 968 Turbo S
A great looking Porsche for Re-Volt. Very realistic looks, not THAT realistic, but very fun parameters for y'all to rock the tracks.
base: Need For Speed 4 custom mesh by Ben Trapp - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 109 k
Mercedes AMG CL55
Yet another cruising car for Re-Volt with slow handling but quite fast top speed. Recommended for open tracks mostly.
base: Need For Speed 4 custom mesh by Ryuji Kainoh - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 92 k
The last of the extreme cars from 1nsane. And probably the best, handling-wise. Great looks as well, fun to drive on all kinda tracks.
base: 1nsane stock car by Codemasters/Invictus - converted by us into Re-Volt install in: Re-Volt root directory file size: 130 k